Genealogy Research Plans tailored just for you and your family history needs!
Free 30-minute initial consultation by Zoom or phone to determine your specific goals.
Are you searching for your birth parents using DNA results? Do you require assistance in discovering and transcribing your ancestors' records to accurately fill in your family tree? Or do you need help with your application to join a lineage society?
I always knew my father was adopted but had no other information. I matched on ancestry with a family member which wasn't helpful because her father was also adopted. Holly was able to track down my father's biological family members using her training and skills and did the impossible. My father is now in regular contact with his siblings. It takes a professional to be able to connect the dots and Holly is worth every penny to find answers. Thank you Holly for finding closure to an adoption mystery.
Johnna Haight-Vane
I was overwhelmed with the information that was provided to me after being contacted. I knew I had 3 half-siblings, an estranged father who had been adopted, but that was all I knew. I now know my dad's origins, I've learned of a new sibling, and I've been forming a relationship with a long lost uncle and two of my siblings. I am also enjoying getting to know the extended family.
I would highly recommend the sleuthing skills of Family Footprints. She is curious and awesome at what she does.
I look forward to helping you trace your Loyalist ancestors. Send me your stories and I will feature them in my blog if you are willing to share your success stories.
Please contact me via email at hhfamilyfootprints@gmail.com to book a free 30 minute Zoom or phone consultation. kind regards, Holly
Why did I decide to name my budding genealogy business "familyfootprints.ca" ? Well, my paternal 1st cousin, Karan has my same quirky sense of humor and we often joke about our Haimerl family feet. They are not our most attractive family inheritance, being far from delicate and dainty feet. Yes, those are my feet in the first photo you see on this website. Karan sends me Bigfoot memes. I send Karan pics of my size 11W feet from vacation spots.
I've always been curious about my ancestors but never as serious about family history research as now. I was gifted an abundance of free time when my news research job was abolished in December 2018 after almost 34 years with a major broadcasting company. I was a researcher, field producer, production assistant, fill-in assignment editor, director during those three+ decades. I have a B.A., Double Major in Journalism and Political Science from Concordia University. My first job after getting my B.A. was as producer of an open-line public affairs radio show. In 2013, I received a Graduate Diploma in Public Relations Management from McGill University.
I started our family tree on My Heritage about 8 years ago. I took my first DNA test at My Heritage, in May of this year. I tested with My Heritage, then Ancestry and last week I sent a DNA test kit into 23 and me. One of my personal goals is to find my mom's unknown birth father.
I completed the Genealogy Principles course at Boston University this fall. I registered for the certificate course in Genealogy at Boston University and will be starting class in January 2020. I'm developing the skills I need to help others with their family history research and solve their own mysteries.
This September, I also enrolled in the Professional Development Certificate in Digital Content and Community Management at McGill University. In my Content Creation class, we had a couple of minutes to come up with a six-word memoir. Here's mine: "Rising from the ashes at 60."
I intend to fulfill that promise with my Genealogy work.
"Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future." — Gail Lumet Buckley
Great-Grandma Kochanowski and Holly c.1960
“Who wants to see its branches bloom,
honors its roots.” (Proverb)
Finding My Roots
Once upon a time, there was a family farm in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario with a large Elm tree...
The 100+-year-old Elm began to wilt from a tree disease in the summer of 2011. My mom and her older " brother" Peter both passed away by the end of the year. My cousins knew that I considered this old Elm tree a lucky family talisman and believed it symbolized the spirit of our Krzewska/Kochanowski ancestors in the Soo. The tree was cut down just as my mom reached the palliative stage of her Parkinson's disease. My uncle passed away 3 weeks after my mom. The old farm where the tree grew hasn't belonged to our Krzewska/Kochanowski (Kenoski) family for many years. Originally, it was a 50-acre working farm. As the limits of the city expanded, several large farms were expropriated, including our family farm. My Uncle Pete was left with about 2.5 acres which included the farmhouse, barn, and other outbuildings. Uncle Pete sold the remaining acreage when he and my aunt retired full-time to Goulais Bay. The farmhouse, barn, and other buildings were knocked down to make way for new housing development. The Elm and several other trees and bushes kept growing but the apple orchard was no longer productive so it was torn down. I left the Soo when I was about 10 years old but as an adult, I made pilgrimages to that old Elm tree and took a photo every time I was in my hometown. The new property owners were fond of that majestic old Elm and because the roots were spread so wide, they had to keep the stump intact when they cut down the tree. The property owners continue to decorate and plant flowers around the stump every year. Our family roots are strong and still growing!
My enthusiasm for Genealogy has been sparked by the many professionals who have been working diligently in this field long before I took an interest.
I am sharing some of my favourites here:
Elizabeth Shown Mills - https://www.historicpathways.com/
I designated Elizabeth Shown Mills the "Goddess of Genealogy" in a blog post I wrote for one of my Digital Content classes at McGill University.
Judy G. Russell - https://www.legalgenealogist.com/
Robert Estes - https://dna-explained.com/
Ellen Thompson-Jennings - always ready with a kind word and helpful hints
Genealogy Ensemble-https://genealogyensemble.com/
Andrew & Devon Noel Lee - https://www.familyhistoryfanatics.com/
United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada: https://uelac.ca/
Ontario Ancestors: https://ogs.on.ca/
Association of Professional Genealogists: https://www.apgen.org/cpages/home
Quebec Genealogical eSociety: https://genquebec.com/en
lots more to be added...
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